The First Coffee
What happens when you wake up? It's a struggle to activate reality, a battle between synapses in your brain and consciousness. Won only...
A site to savor.
That sacred time between waking and beginning the day. The first cup. Let the magic flow through you. A website of writing prompts, fan fiction, and musings.
The First Coffee
Red Claw - Prompt 21
Sounds. - Prompt 8
Lost Arcana, Chapter 1.3
Lost Arcana, Chapter 1.2
A Lesson in Magic, Part 3 - Lost Arcana
A Lesson in Magic, Part 2 - Lost Arcana
A Lesson in Magic, Part 1 - Lost Arcana
Lost Arcana, Chapter 1.1
A Tower - Prompt 20
A Smith - Prompt 19
Crater - Prompt 18
A Sphere - Prompt 17
Glacial Tower - Prompt 16
The Fallow - Prompt 15
Heavy - Prompt 14
Boots - Prompt 13
The Bustle - Prompt 12
A Warm Fire - Prompt 11